Green Cat Renewables provide a full range of noise assessment services tailored to suit the scale and needs of your project.
The UK noise team at Green Cat have assessed the potential noise impacts of more than 300 renewable energy projects located throughout the UK with expertise gained from over 15 years of experience. The team’s workflow of ~50 projects per annum includes single MW projects up to >50MW developments.
The team conducts predictive noise modelling studies and establishes baseline constraints at an early stage of project development, including the production of noise contour maps, to feed into feasibility studies. These studies often include cumulative noise assessments to determine the available capacity of sites that may be influenced by neighbouring developments. Engagement with consultees is critical to the success of any proposed development and the noise team will lead in liaising with EHOs and planners to agree assessment criteria and establish noise-monitoring requirements while developing a positive and responsive working relationship.
Over the last five years and with oversight from the UK team, our colleagues in the Calgary noise team have produced noise impact studies for >1GW of renewable energy projects spanning Solar PV, Wind Energy and Energy Storage in several Canadian provinces
Noise Impact Assessments
GCR have become recognised experts in the area of wind turbine noise with skills and experience covering all aspects of the project life cycle: operational and construction noise assessments at the planning stage, discharge of planning conditions post approval, testing operational projects; for compliance with approved noise limits, tonal and sound power measurements following IEC 61400:11, the detection and rating of amplitude modulation, and in noise complaint investigations.
Beyond wind energy, the team regularly assess the potential noise impacts of battery energy storage (BESS), hydro, hydrogen, solar and industrial plant noise sources. This involves input into project design, plant manufacturer selection and mitigation design to maximise the project’s value while complying with noise limits.
Noise Complaints and Mitigation Solutions
The team has experience of applying and testing mitigation designed to reduce specific operational issues at the lowest project cost. The team have specified mitigation using acoustic barriers, louvered enclosures and brick plant buildings to limit noise breakout. The team also have experience of managing projects through noise abatement legislation by working to find effective solutions to the satisfaction of the local planning authority and have also acted as expert witness to legal proceedings when required.