Wind Farm Design

Green Cat Renewables are experienced in the designing of all infrastructure required to build and operate a wind farm all the way from concept planning stage through to operation.

Green Cat Renewables (GCR) has designed and built wind farms on rocky mountainous sites, on flat peat bogs and most variations in between with a variety of turbine suppliers, notably Enercon, EWT, Vensys, Vestas and Nordex.

GCR has a dedicated team of civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, and CAD engineers to create a complete and reliable solution for clients and contractors.

All site designs are modelled in 3D against accurate topographic data. Software such as Infraworks create 3D visualisations at the concept design stage. Then, more detailed analysis is carried out in Civil 3D software where roads and crane pads are incorporated.

GCR undertakes earthworks and materials volume analysis to optimise construction. Setting out data to be provided to contractors in 3D AutoCAD or Excel files to allow for accurate setting out on site.

  • Overall site layout design including appropriate lay-bys, turning heads and compounds
  • Access Track designs – Horizontal and vertical design, floating and founded construction details
  • Crane pad layouts and levels designs
  • Substation hardstanding areas
  • Substation buildings
  • Cable routes and trench details
  • Earthworks and materials volume calculations including cut/fill balancing.
  • Sustainable drainage (SuDS) designs in accordance with SEPA and local authorities
  • Watercourse crossings – bridges and culverts