69MW Wind Farm
Dumfries and Galloway
Green Cat Renewables (GCR) provided Pre-Construction Due Diligence, Technical Advisory Services and Energy Yield Assessments for a 69MW Wind Farm in Dumfries and Galloway.
Initial Technical Due Diligence was carried out to support project acquisition and included identification of technical risks relating to planning consent, grid connection, wind resource, ground conditions, transport, site layout, and costing information.
GCR also provided Technical Advisory Services in relation to turbine selection and undertook Energy Yield Assessments for multiple wind farm scenarios including turbines from suppliers such as Nordex, Vestas, and Siemens Gamesa. Modelled scenarios were based on the consented tip height with further assessments undertaken considering scenarios with a higher tip height due to a trend being identified in increased tip height consents of neighbouring wind farms.
Due to the complex nature of the terrain, a Computation Flow Dynamics (CFD) model was utilised to produce a more accurate Wind Resource Assessment.
A site visit was undertaken to confirm buildability and inform the review of the site layout. Following the site visit, alternative access routes required investigation due to the steep terrain, soft ground, significant watercourse crossing, and tight turning radii of the initial construction access track.
The grid element involved a Bilateral Connection Agreement and Construction Agreement review due to the 132kV transmission connection and consideration of the project’s participation in a General Export Management Scheme (GEMS).
Recommendations were made on anticipated downtime due to Category 1 intertripping in regard to reduction in yield.
To further inform the acquisition bid, GCR generated a CapEx and OpEx budget including construction costs, life cycle costs, grid connection costs, radar mitigation scheme, and the cost of ongoing maintenance and operation of the wind farm.