Boat of Garten, Scottish Highlands
The 49.9MW battery energy storage facility (BESS) is located 1km east of Boat of Garten, in the Scottish Highlands. Green Cat Renewables (GCR) was engaged as environmental consultants for the development to provide technical assessments for the planning submission of the project.
As the appointed noise consultants for the project, GCR undertook a background noise survey at two locations near the development site. The data was then used to inform the noise impact assessment following BS4142:2014+A1:2019 guidelines. Attended measurements were also taken for the adjacent substation, to inform the cumulative noise assessment.
The development was represented in noise modelling software to predict the operational noise levels at nearby residential receptors. The assessment found that noise levels at one receptor may lead to adverse impacts and mitigation in the form of an acoustic barrier was proposed.
Once appropriate mitigation was incorporated into the noise model, the development immission levels were predicted to meet the required noise limits at all assessment locations.
The NIA also included a construction noise assessment following BS5228- 1:2009+A1:2014.
Following the successful submission, and consent of the development, GCR also provided support for discharge of conditions and engaged in detailed consultation with Environmental Health to agree suitable noise conditions. The amended conditions offered noise limits to protect the amenity of residents without putting undue constraint on the operation of the development. The amended conditions were approved in December 2023.