Blackburn Wind Farm
Grantshouse, Scottish Borders
Blackburn Wind Farm is located approximately 2.5km west of Grantshouse in the Scottish Borders. Green Cat Renewables (GCR) was engaged as lead planning and environmental consultant, developing the project from initial design concept and feasibility, through the EIA process to obtain planning consent.
The final layout and turbine selection was the result of an extensive and diligent design process, which aimed to strike the optimum balance between minimizing environmental impacts, respecting engineering requirements and ensuring a viable scheme in a subsidy free environment. The key design principles behind the proposed scheme aimed to:
- Design a layout that will look harmonious with the neighbouring operational Quixwood Wind Farm and minimise impacts on landscape character;
- Incorporate suitable mitigation measures, where appropriate, to reduce predicted impacts down to acceptable levels.
GCR worked closely with the Scottish Borders Council as the Planning Authority and key consultees in delivery of the project. Pre-application advice was incorporated into the final project design which led to a successful planning outcome.
One of the key considerations during early-stage design and consultation was the potential impact on the landscape. GCR carefully designed the scheme in order to fit within the same section of landscape character as the neighbouring, operational, Quixwood Wind Farm and appear as a cohesive extension.
The planning application was submitted in July 2023 and following a positive recommendation, through continued and open dialogue with Scottish Borders Council and key stakeholders, the application was approved under delegated powers in April 2024.